Play traits. Cause trouble. Score the most points by the end of the world!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Update #6: New Unlock + Captain's Contest HINT!
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 11:55:03 PM
We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
5000 Backers?? What!! When we surpassed 3000 backers, we crossed the threshold of what we thought was possible. We are now heading into uncharted territory! Here’s a look at some of the accomplishments our Doomlings Family has made along the way…
First NEW Stretch Goal Unlocked!
We posted the stretch goals on Tuesday and immediately cleared the first trophy! Congratulations everyone! In addition to the 3 additional ages we’ve added (making our new Age count 25 in every game), we’ve also unlocked the Downloadable Score Sheet, which will be available on our website very soon. Here's a sneak peek at what it will look like...
#DoomlingYumYum Challenge!
In case you missed it, our current challenge involves baking something Doomling-related and posting it to social media using the hashtag #DoomlingYumYum. We honestly weren’t sure anyone would take the time to do this, and yet the Doomlings Family Showed Up! We still have time for you to get your bake on, so post those photos when you can! When we hit 25 posts, we unlock a new stretch goal! Here are a few of our favorite #DoomlingYumYum's thus far…
(Credit: Rebecca Cassel, Susan Davis, Clea Connors, Michelle Miller, Party Tails)
Introducing three new Mythlings! These magical monsters are part of the Mythlings expansion pack, and will be included in the Blackbox and Gold Bundles. Here’s a little more on what they do!
Elven Ears (green) - This Doomling can hear what opponent’s are up to far beyond the valleys. Elven Ears receives +1 for each Mythling in their opponent’s trait pile.
Diaphanous Wings (blue) - as its name would suggest, might seem useless as an effectless card with -1 point. But there is opportunity in Doomlings even with the negative traits, you just have to find it.
Zombified (purple) - The Mythlings expansion adds new functionality to discard and hand management! If you discard Zombified from your hand, you may instead resurrect it and play it into an opponent’s trait pile, giving them -2 points.
Techlings Update - Mecha!
If you’ve been keeping up with the comments section, you’ll notice that one of our team members works so hard, backers are concerned that she might be a Cyborg. (“Does Christine ever sleep?” is one of the top questions we’ve been asked all week.) Yes, Christine is real, and yes, she sleeps. And yes, she is awesome too! So, in honor of that, Justus has made a few modifications to one of our Techling cards, Mecha, who is now serves as a tribute to our hardest-working backer-support team member!
Coming Soon: Techlings Pt. 2
Three more Bionic Mischief-Makers are coming next week. Can’t wait to reveal the rest of them to ya!
Captain’s Hidden Message Contest HINT!
We have an incredible contest going on right now! Hidden within the Captain’s Logs on BoardGameGeek are clues that will reveal which Doomling is her favorite. Decode the answer, and win a GOLD BOX BUNDLE!
We have a hint for you: it’s a two-step process to find the answer.
How to enter:
If you're already a backer, write your answer in the Comments section on the Kickstarter page for 2x entries. (This means your correct answer will be entered twice!)
If you're not a backer, simply click 'Message the Creator' on Kickstarter and send us your answer.
The winner will be drawn at random from the pool of correct answers on March 30th during our Facebook Live Stream. (Winner need not be present.) Good Luck!
Here’s a recap of the Captain’s Logs from this week. (Be sure to check the BGG Forum for clues.)
We’ll be back at Justus’ house to walk you through a game of Doomlings! We'll be LIVE on Facebook at 6p PT / 8p CT / 9p ET. We started a new style of filming this week, where you can see Eric's hand as he plays (World-Series of Poker Style!) It will give you in-the-moment insight into how to play the game. PLUS: Ask us questions! Watch us talk smack, get inside tips on strategy. We'll see you tonight!
We’re on Discord!
If you haven’t joined our Discord server, head on over and check us out. This is where we’ll be answering questions about the game, rule disputes, and more once the campaign is over!
Have a Great Weekend!
As always, thank you for supporting our game. This has been an unfathomable rollercoaster for us, and each day we are more shocked with what this community is able to accomplish. (Someone made Doomlings Dog Treats!) The outpouring of support has been incredible, and we’re eternally grateful, and can’t wait to get our game on your table!
From all of us (Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric, Patrick, Christine, Jim) THANK YOU. Here’s to the final two weeks of our campaign!
Update #5: Hidden Message Contest + New Stretch Goals!!
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 12:48:58 AM
Captain’s Hidden Message Contest!
Calling all Intergalactic Sleuths! Start scouring the Captain’s Logs on BoardGameGeek. Hidden within the updates (both past and future) are clues as to the Captain Mary’s favorite Doomling. Decode the answer, and you will be entered to win a free Gold Box Bundle!
If you're already a backer, write your comment on the Kickstarter page for 2x entries.
If you're not a backer yet, simply click 'Message the Creator' on Kickstarter and send Justus your answer for 1x entry.
The winner will be drawn at random from the pool of correct answers on March 30th during our Facebook Live Stream. Good Luck!
In light of our Doomlings Community CRUSHING through every stretch goal on Trophy Road, we’re releasing a new round of Stretch Goals!
New Stretch goals will include: New Kickstarter Exclusive Ages and Traits, Added Catastrophes,Player Aid cards, Sticker Add-ons, A Backer Wall of Fame on our Website, Digital Wallpaper Downloads, and another Holographic Card unlock! Head over to the Stretch Goal section to see the challenges coming up for our community!
#DoomlingYumYum Baking Challenge!
You'll notice our first challenge involves pastries! (Our favorite.) We want to see your baking skills (or lackthereof) to unlock our next stretch goal! Simply bake anything (cookies, a pie, tarts, even brownies) in Doomlings Style, and upload a picture to Fb or IG using the hashtag #DoomlingYumYum. When we hit 25 posts, we unlock the next stretch goal!
Holofoils: How Rare Are They?
Last week we announced that every game of Doomlings will now include one random holographic Dominant Trait in every box! This will be an extra card, in addition to your complete game, designed for the collector in all of us. Here’s just how rare each of the Kickstarter Exclusive holographic cards will be.
Introducing the second group of prehistoric troublemakers, from the Dinolings Expansion pack! These little critters will be included in every Blackbox and Gold Box Bundle! Here’s a little rundown of what they do!
Cranial Crest (colorless) starts out with a big head and whopping 5 points/ but be careful! Every time you play a new color into your trait pile, Cranial Crest loses a point!
Ceratopsian Horns (green) is one of the highest face value green traits in the game, 4 points with no drawbacks! An easy play for any species!
Elongated Neck (blue) lets you play an action from a card in your hand that hasn't been played yet!
Talons (purple) is another solid play at 3 points, one of the highest value purple traits in the game. No need to be fancy, just get those points on the table!
Tiny Arms (red) starts out small with 0 points, but grows in value for every dino trait you add to your trait pile!
COMING SOON: Mythlings Pt. 2
These magical mischief-makers will be making their debut on Friday, and we can’t wait to introduce them to you!
Join us from Eric's house as he and Chris walk you through a game of Doomlings! We'll be LIVE on Facebook at 6p PT / 8p CT / 9p ET. Ask us questions! Watch us talk smack, plus get inside tips on strategy. See you tonight!
(That's Truffles sleeping on the floor. Apparently we're keeping him from his nap.)
We just launched our Discord, where we'll be answering questions regarding rules of the game, fulfillment, new content, and more! If you've ever seen our Sunday virtual game night, you can now participate with us during the game! Join our server:
In case you missed our announcement, we’ve now partnered with Passport, to do World-Friendly shipping! What this means: all international customers will be allowed to pre-pay their taxes/duties/VAT so the game will go through customs WITH no holdups or problems! Taxes and shipping will be charged at the end of the campaign, through Backerkit.
This has been an incredible first half of a campaign. Doomlings has exceeded all expectations for what we thought was possible, and we still have 16 days to go! A special shout-out to our fantastic social team (Christine, Patrick, and Jim) who are making sure every question is answered, and everyone has clarity about the Kickstarter process. We are excited to see where this campaign takes us next, and we're incredibly grateful to have you along for the ride.
With Love,
Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings
Update #4: World-Friendly Shipping + Stretch Goal Announcement!
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 12:12:48 AM
We’ve finalized our deal with the international shipping company, Passport, for World-Friendly shipping! What this means: all international customers willbe allowed to pre-pay their taxes/duties/VAT and the game will speed through customs with no holdups, no problems! We have revised shipping table provided on the Kickstarter page to reflect the new rates.
We crushed through our entire trophy road in ONE WEEK!! (Don’t worry, there will be more stretch goals coming on Tuesday.) It feels quite fitting that we ended the first set by unlocking one of our favorite bonuses: Holofoil Dominant Traits!
We are pleased to announce that every game will be receiving a randomly selected Holographic Dominant Trait! There will be four tiers of rarity, and we will be revealing their probabilities next week! Here’s a sneak peek of the cards...
Stay tuned. We’ll be revealing the next set of challenges to our beloved Doomlings Community onTuesday!
This expansion of dual-colored Doomlings comes in both the Blackbox and Gold Bundles, and allows you to be flexible with your strategy in the game. Often players will be awarded bonuses for the number of particular colors they have at the end of the game. Playing dual-colored cards allows you to keep your options open, and have more paths to victory!
Luchador Luchador was made in tribute to our very own Jim Freeman, who just had a birthday this past Sunday. (If you haven’t sent him wishes yet, head over to our Community Group and drop him the zaniest meme you can find. It’ll make his week ;)
Mitosis combines blue and purple, which allows you to play well with the mischievous bonuses (purple) as well as the defensive bonuses (blue.) It's also got something to do with cell division and tissue growth. NBD.
These little monstersare about to make their debut, and we can't wait to introduce them to the world!
You asked for it, we’re doing it. Join us at6pm PT / 8pm CT / 9pm ETon Facebook as we demo a 2-player game of Doomlings tonight. Moderated by Justus (with off-camera peanut gallery comments from Eric)this will be a quicker version of the game, designed to show how you can play Doomlings with just one other person!
Captain Mary and her crew have been busy exploring the Doomling planet of Enderas. Their reports have been streaming back to our Instagram channel daily. If you missed it last week, here’s a little recap…
We’ll be back early next week to show off the new stretch goals!
Update #3: FOUR New Stretch Goals!
almost 4 years ago
– Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 10:11:14 PM
Party of 1500? Your Table is Ready.
What a first week! We have had more than 1500 backers support us, and we’re just getting started! We can’t wait to get Doomlings on your table, but first: let's dive into some exciting new developments…
Gold Box Swaps! You asked, and we made it happen! Gold Tier backers will now be able to swap out their box for a Black Box! It will still include all of the expansions, bonus content, and playmat. (This will be through BackerKit, at the end of the campaign.) Swapping up a tier ("I pledged black but want gold") won't be possible.
ExpansionIndicators Many of you have asked, and we want to reassure you: we DO plan on including indication symbols on cards that come in expansion packs. (See the upper right corners of our Dinolings, Mythlings, and Techlings expansion cards!)
These bionic beasts are part of an expansion that comes in the Gold Box Bundle! Techlings serve as attachments to existing traits in play.(Woah. Attachments? Say more!)
Think of Techlings as upgrades/modification cards. You play them like a normal trait (once per turn) and attach them to existing traits in your trait pile. Techlings add another layer of depth in considering which trait to play. (Sometimes they will increase your gene pool, but attaching them to a strong card also makes them a target.) You can use Techlings to upgrade your weaker cards, to have a more balanced trait pile. OR, some Techlings change a trait value to 0. This can be used offensively (on your opponent’s high value cards), or defensively on your own negative value cards.
We’ll get into more of the mechanics in a future video, but here are a few highlights!
Bionic Arm (Red): Is a solid 3 point card, that must be attached to a purple trait. On the one hand, this trait can’t be stolen or discarded the same way a normal red trait might be. On the other hand, it’s now vulnerable to cards that might steal its purple host trait, so play it wisely!
Neural Link (blue): is worth 2 points, and allows you to peak into the future at the next TWO Ages. This helps you anticipate what cards to keep in your hand, and it prepares you for any impending Catastrophe that might be around the corner
Ruggedized (Colorless): This Techling is Dominant, is worth hefty points, and attaches to a trait in your trait pile to protect it from being stolen, swapped, or discarded, which can help you solidify a longer term strategy.
Subdermal Armor (Purple): We’re still selecting the effect for this little Doomling, so stay tuned for more!
Lyonization (Green): This 1 point attachment deactivates the effect of the Host Trait. You can use this on your own traits, like Brute Strength, to deactivate its -1 Gene Pool. Or you can use it on an Opponent’s trait, like Egg Clusters, to deactivate its bonus points for collecting blue traits.
We are SMASHING through our Stretch Goals y’all!! 20 trophies revealed and FOUR stretch goals unlocked. This is crazy!! (Don’t worry, we are already working on MORE, so keep sharing our game with your friends!)
STRETCH GOAL #3 UNLOCKED -- Linen Finshing for every card! (This vinyl linen pattern traps small pockets of air between the cards, and makes them glide between your fingers. Just like in Vegas!)
STRETCH GOAL #4 UNLOCKED -- Shiny Box Upgrade (Gives every box a glossy effect printed into the design.)
STRETCH GOAL #5 UNLOCKED -- 2 NEW Gene Pool cards!
Rainbow gene pool represents every color in the game, but also celebrates the diversity in our community. Flannel is in honor of the fact that Eric needs a new wardrobe ;)
Juicy was never intended to be in the game—but he quickly became a favorite characteramongour social team—so we decided he needed his own card. For the action: sometimes you have an undesirable trait in your trait pile that you’d like to remove, but just can’t get rid of. Juicy gives you that rare opportunity! You’ll notice that just like Beauty, Juicy has a rainbow frame. This indicates a Kickstarter Exclusive, and will never be sold in stores. (So keep him in a safe place!)
Join us as we assemble our quarantine bubble for a game of Doomlings! 6p PT / 8p CT / 9p ET on Facebook and Instagram LIVE! (Simply head over to either page, and we’ll be broadcasting.)
We're going to have updates on new stretch goals and international shipping coming soon!
As always, thank you for supporting Doomlings, and believing in our game. We are so excited to start making these games. If you have questions, we're diligently refreshing this Kickstarter to answer as many as we can. Thank you again, we look forward to bringing Doomlings into the world with you!
With Love,
Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings
Update #2: TWO Stretch Goals Unlocked + Mythlings!
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Mar 06, 2021 at 04:38:55 PM
What A Week!
We were blown away by Tuesday's insane launch and each day since has been even more overwhelming. We just hit 1000 Backers!! Fellow gamers from around the world are coming out to support us, and we couldn’t be more humbled, surprised, and excited to be bringing Doomlings to so many lovely humans!
Meet the first group of our fantasy friends, whose expansion can be found in every Black Box and Gold Box bundles!
Necromantic (purple) - Lets you take, or 'resurrect' an opponent's discarded trait!
Fey (green) - A mythling that increases your Gene Pool!
DragonHeart (red) - Dragonheart is a low value card--but if you can secure all 4 colors in your trait pile, then Dragonheart might pull you into the lead!
RainbowHorn (colorless) - She doesn't have an effect yet, Justus and Andrew are narrowing down their favorite effect for her!
Righteous (blue) - We're also tinkering with this guy's effect, and we'll be revealing more at a later date. Stay tuned!
WOW: we put out a challenge, and you the community rose to the occasion, in a MAJOR WAY! For starters, we completed our first path (#littledoomlings pet challenge) in 72 Hours! We also unlocked a total of 14 trophies!
We’ve opened up our first extra Kickstarter Exclusive bonus trait: Beauty! As with every stretch goal, Beauty will be included in all reward tiers, and will only be available to our beloved Kickstarter backers.
But wait, there's more! We’ve also unlocked TWO NEW AGES: Prosperity and Awakening.
Prosperity celebrates the Superbloom that happens once every ten years here in California as the result of an exceptionally good season of rain.
Awakening, Awakening, on the other hand, is an homage to Calvin and Hobbes, a comic strip that inspired Justus and Andrew's sense of humor and curiosity from an early age.
***Remember,you can help us unlock more rewards by participating in the community challenges, posted on our Stretch Goals section. They range from sharing our Kickstarter with fellow gamers, to Inviting friends to join our Doomlings Community facebook group!
Looking ahead, the next bonus is TWO NEW GENE POOL CARDS! So, keep sharing Doomlings with the world, and we'll be there soon enough!
Back by popular demand, we'll be streaming LIVE on Facebook and Instagramtonight at 5p PT / 7p CT / 8p ET. Join us as we play another round of Doomlings, with the lovely humans in our bubble.
Justus explains the game, while Eric tries to use two phones at once.
CAPTAIN’S LOG: Ep 1-4 Recap
If you haven’t had a chance to listen to Capt. Mary C. Anna’s dispatch from the planet Enderas on our daily Instagram Stories, you can get a recap of the week here:
We love hearing your feedback in the Comments section. There seem to be several backers of the Gold Bundle interested in swapping their gold box for a black box. While this lower-tier-box-swapping might seem simple, it can cause complications with our fulfillment partners. (There are going to be hundreds of boxes, with thousands of cards.) We want you to know we are working with our manufacturing partners at AdMagic to explore what’s possible. Please stay tuned, as we will be updating you with more soon.
For our international backers: we are also working with our shipping partners to create a seamless door-to-door solution that would make all of our international packages Customs Friendly. This will likely involve working with the international shipper, Passport, who will allow backers to pre-pay VAT in the pledge manager at the end of the campaign. This would mean no customs hangups, no extended waiting, just a smooth trackable delivery right to your home. To make this happen, we may need to raise shipping rates for certain countries, but your overall cost will be lower. We are working out the details, and will check in as soon as we know what’s possible.
If there’s one thing you should know about us, we’re incredibly cautious when promising anything to our backers. We take the management of expectations very seriously, and value our relationship above all else. We won't commit to anything that we aren't confident we can deliver on. For now, know that we're following the feedback, and continuing to work on how we can improve this experience for everyone. Thank you for your patience, trust, and support as we work around the clock to make our first Kickstarter a wonderful experience for everyone in the Doomlings Community.
With Love,
Justus, Andrew, Chris & Eric, and the rest of the Doomlings Team