
Doomlings, the Card Game

Created by Justus Meyer

Play traits. Cause trouble. Score the most points by the end of the world!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Closing, Card Previews, Item Sizing and more!
over 3 years ago – Sat, May 15, 2021 at 01:45:16 AM

The Pledge Manager is Closing! - We repeat - The Pledge Manager is Closing!

On 5/31/2021 we will be closing the Backerkit pledge manager! Be sure to tack on your extra goodies, expansion packs, and extra games for everyone on your holiday Nice List before the end of the month! Please note that this will be the LAST CHANCE to get the following items:

  • Kickstarter Exclusive Community Playmat
  • Classic, Black, and Gold Bundles (after this production run, these items will not be released again with the Kickstarter Exclusive Content included!) 

Credit cards will likely be charged during the first week of June. If you still have not received your Backerkit link, please send Justus a direct message here on Kickstarter!

New Card Previews!

Behind the scenes Justus is working tirelessly to ensure that each card is in tip top shape and ready for printing! Below you can see the new Adorable, Sweat, and Bad! (Bad is in honor of the woman who gave birth to one of our developers, Chris Svehla!)

Every card is getting a little polish. Sometimes it’s noticeable immediately (Adorable now really looks like Justus' dog Truffles), and sometimes it’s subtle (every action card has the new symbol!)  

We've mentioned this comparison before, but this tidying up is akin to noticing the difference between an old Simpsons episode versus a new Simpsons episode. We all want the first run of Doomlings to be top-notch!

In addition, Justus hit us with some new cards we weren’t even expecting! We will be keeping many of these a secret until the game’s release...

Need to change your address?

If you are expecting to move before the games ship out make sure that you update your address in Backerkit! You can do this at any time over the summer - and Backerkit will send out approximately 3 reminder emails before the games ship this December! We will also be sending our own reminders as well.

It’s not the size it’s how you use it!

Boxes: Everyone has been asking about the size of the box. Will it fit the sleeves? Does it contain magic powers? The answer to all questions is YES!

The Doomlings box will now be 6" x 4" x 2.8" (15cm x 10cm x 7cm) for every tier. This means it will fit every card included in the Gold Bundle Box (i.e. every released card thus far) sleeved or unsleeved! The Classic and Black boxes will have two foam pieces included so that the cards won’t move around in the box. Once the cards are sleeved, or if you decide to add expansions, you can take the foam inserts out as needed.

Playmats: What about the playmats, you ask? All Playmats (both community and individual) are now 11" x 22" (28cm x 56cm).  This will ensure you can fit four individual playmats and a community playmat on a standard-size dining room table.

A little mockup showing the four-player setup on a standard kitchen table. 6-players will need a larger table (but you already knew that;)

Bags: After offering a standard size bag and an XL size bag to the public - we’ve realized that the overwhelming majority of you want the XL size, and it’s simply cost-prohibitive at this time to offer two sizes. Anyone who ordered a standard bag will be upgraded to the XL size. This XL bag will fit all 7 mats as well as the game box!

Why are Pre-Orders still available?

You may have noticed that Pre-orders are now available on the Doomlings website - and they will likely continue to be available for the remainder of the year. Why is that? The short answer: volume minimums from our supplier.

An interesting thing we’ve learned is the reason games are able to offer the prices they do has to do with volume. The more you buy, the more reasonable the production costs. (Ever try making a custom t-shirt vs. buying one from a retail store? Same thing.) Basically, our factory has a certain number of items required to be made, and so we’ll be selling off the additional inventory after backers receive their orders. BUT, once it’s gone, it’s gone. When we transition to traditional retail next year, you will never be able to get a Gold Bundle again!

What’s important for our backers to note is that you were in on the ground floor of a First Edition print of Doomlings, and you will be the first in the world to get your copy!

Doomlings on retail sites?

We want to make sure everyone knows that you may see Doomlings popping up for pre-order at your Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS for short) - this is because that particular FLGS also backed Doomlings on Kickstarter and pledged the same as you - rest assured that no one is getting their Doomlings game before you, dear backer. These stores are simply putting Doomlings on their website, ahead of its December arrival.

So, logistically speaking - what’s going on in the world right now?

You may or may not have heard about this kinda big thing that happened last year. It starts with a “P” and ends in “andemic”. As the world slowly but surely begins to reopen, the logistical world is being thrown into a tizzy. We prepared for this and built in extra time to deal with the goings-on of the world. But at a glance, here’s some of the things we’re up against:

  • Ocean cargo capacity evaporated
  • Space on cargo ships selling out quickly
  • E-commerce skyrocketing

We actually found a very eye-opening video that explains the situation easier than we could: 

As we mentioned, we had an idea that this wasn’t going to be a walk in the park and added in additional time to get Doomlings out to everyone. As situations change, or if challenges arise, you will all be the first to know what’s what.

When is the next Livestream?

Right now it's all hands on deck as we check, double check, and triple check the files to be sent to the manufacturer by the end of the month! We're spell checking, polishing, and adding the final touches to each and every card. Since this is our primary focus for May, we will be returning to more regularly scheduled livestream playthroughs of Doomlings in early June! 

As always…

Thank you so very much for supporting this crazy dream of ours. We couldn’t be here without each and every one of you, and we’re doing our absolute best to meet or exceed everyone’s expectations.

All the Best,

Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings!

Pledge Manager Day + 2 New Playermats + Ask Me Anything + More!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 11:07:18 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Pledge Manager + New Add-On Items!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 03:31:22 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Checking Back In!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 02:15:40 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Thank You.
over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 01:55:22 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.