
Doomlings, the Card Game

Created by Justus Meyer

Play traits. Cause trouble. Score the most points by the end of the world!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 04:14:24 PM

"We wanted something that looked like atoms and molecules all woven together, like cogs in a machine"

After almost half a year in the design process, the gold box is finally here! With metallic ink, raised embossed print, U/V coating, AND holofoil, every detail is perfectly captured.

This is a KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE. Meaning once we sell this inventory, we will never make this box again. Add an extra Gold Box or upgrade your pledge today by emailing our customer service team at [email protected]!


  • Surprise! We added rainbow holofoil to this box!
  • The exterior panels of the base feature holofoil characters.
  • Inside the box is artwork representing the Doomlings Universe
  • Inside the lid is a QR code which, when scanned, will reveal a list of all the original Kickstarter backers. (Website coming soon!)
  • The bottom of the box also contains inverted holofoil Doomlings!


  • All 5 expansions! (Dinolings, Mythlings, Techlings, Dual Color, and Meaning of Life)
  • The Kickstarter Exclusive community playmat (pictured below).
  • 3 mystery holofoil Dominant Traits.
  • “Fulfilled,” our gold Kickstarter Exclusive trait card, and “Joy,” our gold age card, ONLY available in the Gold bundle
  • Limited First Edition cards that all contain a star at the bottom, denoting they're the very first run of Doomlings.
  • The box is designed to fit every card we’ve ever made, sleeved or unsleeved.

Thank you so, so much. Doomlings wouldn't exist without your continued support. Let us know what you think of the Gold Box in the Kickstarter updates section, on our Shopify blog posts, or in the Doomlings Community Facebook Group!

All Our Love,
 Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings

Blackbox Reveal!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 04, 2021 at 10:44:16 PM

Blackbox Reveal!

Last update we were excited to reveal the Classic box in all its glory. Now, we're even more thrilled to give you a sneak peek at the Blackbox!

Justus is here once again to give us a look at the ins and outs of the box. Watch the video here.

The minimalist design on our Blackbox has been a community favorite since it was first unveiled during our Kickstarter campaign.

Oh, and...SURPRISE...just as we announced with the Classic box last week, we've also added HOLOFOIL to the Blackbox! 

Each of the three box designs (Classic, Blackbox, Gold) come with their own unique set of holofoil Doomlings stamped on the exterior panels of the base.

Here we see Acrobatic and Egg Predation from the Multi-Color and Dinolings expansions, respectively.

And, for curious creatures out there, all boxes have a QR code on the top inside panel of the lid.

The code will direct players to a website with the name and backer number of all 10,700 Kickstarter backers that helped make our game a reality. (Website coming soon!)

The Blackbox bundle includes all the cards from the base game PLUS two mystery holofoil dominant trait cards and the Dinolings, Mythlings, and Multi-Color expansions (see below.)

A limited supply of Kickstarter Exclusive Blackboxes are available for pre-order now. Get one while you can because once we run out of inventory, that's it! The Blackbox and trait cards Pride, Beauty, Tube Feet, Juicy and Bones are Kickstarter Exclusives and will NOT be part of the game once we go to retail.

Factory or Fiction?

Last week we shared a still from the factory of a couple of sheets of cards and announced that Doomlings is in mass production. Today we wanted to share more footage from inside the plant because, frankly, it's so cool to see everything on the assembly line. It's a visual reminder that this is really happening. (Our minds are blown every day.)

This video shows the different effects being applied to the cards, including the linen finish and aqueous oil coating. You'll also get a glimpse at the special holofoil effect on some of the cards, which gives the finest details on the designs a reflective shine. The sheets are then sent through a cutting machine to systematically produce over ONE MILLION precision cut cards across our 39,000 games.

And Finally...

Thank you so, so much. Doomlings wouldn't exist without your continued support. Next week we'll FINALLY be sharing an exclusive first look at the Gold box. Let us know what you think of the Blackbox in the Kickstarter updates section, on our Shopify blog posts, or in the Doomlings Community Facebook Group!

All Our Love,

Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings

Production Update + Classic Box Reveal!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 12:01:57 AM

How It Started:

How It's Going: 

Big news, Doomers: our games are officially in production! That's right...39,000 copies of Doomlings have been printed and are currently being packed as you read this.

There were SO many details that we had to proof with our partners at AdMagic, like: color consistency between our digital files and the actual printed cards; how the holofoil interacts with the colors, the look and feel of the 300gsm linen card material; the stitching of the community and player mats; the durability of the playmat bag and all three boxes. The list goes on and on.

We're all perfectionists when it comes to this game. As the new kids at the table, we want to want to make a great first impression. That being said, we're relieved to be setting aside our fine-tooth combs for now so we can focus on meeting our goal of a December 2021 delivery date. (More on that in a bit.)

Oh, speaking of boxes...

We know many of you have been eagerly standing by for a sneak peek at the boxes. Now that we've got everything juuuuust right, we're excited to give you a first look at the Classic box. Here's a video of Justus walking us through it:

One major surprise: we are adding holofoil to the Classic Box! Check out the video for details: the Doomlings logo will actually be holo'd because, hey, you only get one first impression.

The box is super important to us. It's not just a place to keep your cards - a plastic bag can do that - it's where your cards live among the dozens (hundreds?) of other games on your shelf. And frankly, we want Doomlings to stand out.

OK, so your game has been printed, it's in a plant right now, and soon it will be put into a nice box. What are the next steps between now and when you get it?

Eric Dives In:

All 39,000 copies of the game have been printed and are currently being packed into their boxes! From there, they will be loaded into 3 full cargo containers.

From there our boats will set sail from Asia across the Pacific Ocean to the port of LA (this leg of the journey will take SIX WEEKS - turns out the ocean is like, huge), where they'll be transferred onto large trailer trucks that will travel nonstop across the country to our fulfillment center in New Jersey. 3 shifts of people will be working around the clock to unpack, inspect, and re-pack the games that will then be shipped to YOU.

COVID-19 and the upcoming holiday season are causing a lot of congestion at the ports, so meeting our goal of a delivery around Christmastime is going to be really close. Eric explains all of the above in greater detail in this video.

A New Chapter:

You'll find a picture of Chris Svehla at In-N-Out below. Why? Because we are celebrating him being "In" at Doomlings and "Out" at his previous job!

Chris has, of course, been involved with Doomlings since the earliest days of the game, but we are thrilled to announce that, as of last week, he has joined the team full time. Much like the art on our Classic box, you can see in his expression the mix of terror and excitement as he starts this new chapter in his life (or maybe this is his burger face). Welcome to the end of the world, Chris!

Hamsters vs. Hippos!

Speaking of dreams coming true, our dear friend and backer support manager Jim Freeman has teamed up with the folks over at Tin Robot Games to launch his own Kickstarter for Hamsters Vs. Hippos.

Hamsters Vs. Hippos is a press-your-luck game about cute hamsters and murderous hippos. In it, the hamsters have escaped from their enclosure at the zoo and are making a run for it!

The Kickstarter for Hamsters Vs. Hippos launches on Oct. 20th. Head on over to and sign up to be notified when the game goes live.

Tin Robot Games is the publisher behind Hamsters Vs. Hippos. While this isn't our game, we think it looks adorable, we love Jim, and we want to support someone who gave so much to our campaign.

And Finally

Thank you so much for your continued support of Doomlings. It's not lost on us how amazing it is that we get to do this, and we couldn't do it without you. We can't wait to share more updates in the coming weeks, including sneak peeks at our Black and Gold boxes. Let us know what you think of the Classic box in the Kickstarter updates section, on our Shopify blog posts, or in the Doomlings Community Facebook Group!

With Love,
Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings

Rulesheet Reveal!!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 07:07:30 PM

Your Guide to the End of the World:

The Doomlings Rulesheet

This week we received a sample of the rulesheet! We are--once again--so blown away by our team at AdMagic, who's making our game. They killed it with these fabulous colors and ultra-soft material. It also fits perfectly into the box - which was very important to us.

As always, we have a handy-dandy video delving deeper into this reveal with Eric and Chis, but here's what's up...

New Icons!

We wanted to take some time to walk you through the different sections of the rulesheet that we find most helpful! First up is the "Helpful Icons" section. There are 5 different icons to help you better understand the different cards:

  • Action Icon
  • Play When Icon
  • World's End Effect Icon
  • Drop of Life Icon
  • and finally the Expansion ID Icons

Being able to recognize these icons will help with more efficient gameplay!

Dominant Traits Expanded:

Everyone knows you're only allowed to have two Dominant Traits, right? Weeeeell, every now and again the stars align for the "Birth of a Hero" triple-Dominant surprise! We explain that scenario in the rulesheet.

Worst Case Scenarios: Unplayable Hands

Here we clarify one very important rule: if you are able to, you MUST play a trait. Even if that trait isn't good for your trait pile.

However, there are certainly scenarios where you simply do not have any playable traits. In these rare occasions, follow the rules outlined in this section!

Game Variants:

Throughout the playtesting process we had tons of suggestions regarding gameplay; how to make games shorter or longer more easily, how often first player switches, and even a suggestion regarding card drafting to start the game! We loved these suggestions so much, we added them to the "Game Variants" section of the rulesheet on page 3. While Doomlings is optimized for the current rules, once you've played the game a few times we implore you to try the variants and let us know how you like them!

Attachments and Techlings:

With the addition of the Techlings Expansion comes a handful of new game mechanics and rules. Namely: the "Attachments" effect. Any Traits with the Attach effect are played into your trait pile unless otherwise stated. The must however, attach to a "Host Trait".

"Host Traits" are traits that do not currently have any attachments. Dominant traits CANNOT be host traits. Traits with the attach effect can also not be Host Traits.

The Meaning of Life Expansion:

Like most of us, Doomlings also contemplate their existence. Enter: The Meaning of Life Expansion. For more advanced players, add this expansion to give your game a twist in the form of: hidden objectives.

At the beginning of the game, setup as usual, however, shuffle the Meaning of Life deck and deal two cards to each player. Everyone secretly keeps one card and discards the other to the game box. Fulfill your hidden objective by the end of the game to score extra points!

THIS SATURDAY August 7th at 9:30a PST we will be making our triumphant return to Facebook Live, and we'll be joined by some very special friends for a large game of Doomlings!

For those of you on different time zones, we'll be getting started at (11:30a CST / 12:30p EST / 5:30p BST / 6:30p CET).

Come join us for another playthrough of Doomlings!

That’s right! We’ve finally figured out we can’t do it all by ourselves.

Are you a graphic designer with a passion for tabletop? Are you a freelance UI/UX designer interested in helping us build the next iteration of the Doomlings Universe?

Drop us an email at [email protected] and tell us about yourself!

And Finally...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your unyielding support of Doomlings. We're looking forward to keeping you updated with the product reveals as we receive them! Let us know what you think in the Kickstarter updates section, on our Shopify blog posts, or in the Doomlings Community Facebook Group!

With Love,
Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings

Doomsleeves, Livestreams, (and Typhoons) Oh My!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 10:04:47 PM

Dearest Doomlings fam! Our production timeline is moving forward, and we're getting more samples in. Today, we are over the moon to share a first look at DOOMSLEEVES!

If you have been active on the Kickstarter comment section from the beginning, you might have known that we never originally intended on making sleeves for our cards. We focused on picking the highest quality linen cards we could, from the get-go. However, we got so many requests from our backers for card sleeves that there was no way we could say no. (How could we? We love you.)

In any case, we are so glad you pushed us to make sleeves, because they came out great! Check out the video below!

Justus knocked it out of the park with the design on these sleeves, taking this project as an opportunity to expand on the Doomlings universe and creating two brand new art pieces!  There are even a few new faces on these sleeves. (Could this be a hint at future expansions??)

(Peep the silver inside of the sleeves that adds that extra special border when looking at your hand!)

There are two different sleeve designs to help players differentiate between the Age cards and the Trait cards. Both designs are super vibrant and colorful and we're so impressed with our manufactures!

Additionally, every pack of Doomsleeves contains clear sleeves to protect the cards that need to show both sides (the Gene Pool cards, Meaning of Life, Birth of Life.)

Livestreams are BACK!!

We know you've missed us, we've missed you too! The ironic thing about being swamped with development work, is we haven't had any time to play our own game! That changes NEXT Saturday, August 7th.

Mark your calendars because on Saturday, August 7th at 9:30a PST we will be making our triumphant return to Facebook Live! 

For those of you on different time zones, we'll be getting started at (11:30a CST / 12:30p EST / 5:30p BST / 6:30p CET).

Think of this as your Saturday Morning Cartoons, but with Doomlings! We'll be getting up early (for a Saturday) and we hope to see you all there!

Typhoon Update:

Speaking of our manufacturers; we want to extend our love and support and we hope they are enduring the current typhoon as best they can. Because of how tight our timeline is, every day counts. However, we're doing our best to manage expectations on our end as they deal with this tropical storm.

For those of you who do not know,  (we had to google it), a typhoon and a hurricane are both the same type of storm. The only difference is the location of the storm: so here in the states we experience "hurricanes". In the Northwest Pacific, the term "typhoon" is used instead.

Justus speaks about the typhoon in a message to our backers and our manufacturers.

And Finally...

Thank you for jumping aboard the Doomlings Train. We're learning that as far as we've come, this is only first leg of the journey, the tip of the iceberg, the letter "M" in a terrible Metaphor ;)

We are so grateful to have you in our corner. This is the adventure of a lifetime and we can't wait to share more exciting developments with you in the days ahead!

With Love,

Justus, Eric, Chris, Andrew and Team Doomlings